Thursday, November 3, 2016

Art Generators


Weavesilk is a browser-based art generator that one can use to create beautiful images using simple mouse movements. It has a limited amount of settings, such as only being able to pick from 7 colors, only being able to undo/redo once, no eraser, and no layering system. However, past that,  it allows somebody with a narrow understanding of art and art programs to create stunning images. It's simplicity may be seen as a negative, but for those who just want a program to hop on, mess around and make some cool images, this is perfect.

Sumo Paint

Sumo Paint is another browser based art generator/program, which is much more complex than the aforementioned Weavesilk. This program is actually extremely similar to Photoshop in it's layout, capabilities, and settings, but it's slightly more limited (as this program is FREE, and you have to PAY for Photoshop). This program would most benefit those who want something as similar as possible to Photoshop. However, it's not very user-friendly to those who do not understand Photoshop, and the program has various bugs (some that you can work around) that can make it infuriating to use. It also has a few interesting tools, like the Symmetry Tool, that are not present in Photoshop and provide the user with new things to mess around with. For those that understand it, there are many things that one can create using this program, with many different ways to go about it due to there being less limitations in contrast to Weavesilk.


thisissand is a browser-based art program that allows the user to sprinkle sand-like particles on the screen to create an image. In the picture above, I used various different layers of different shades of sand to create a landscape. This program, like Weavesilk, is somewhat limited in it's options. It does not allow you to remove the "sand," change transparency, create layers, but can be used by anybody from a professional artist to a greenhorn to create images that may form simple ideas (like the one above) or much more complex pieces like the one to the left.. If there's anything to take away from this, just try it out. Anybody will have fun messing around with this one.

random art

There is not much to say about this one: it's a simple website that allows one to type in anything and based on the word it will create a randomly-generated image (I'm unsure how the image is based on the words, but the same word will always create the same image.) The word I used for the image above was gallery, and here's a few more interesting ones that I've made:

typed: 1023
typed: jere

In short, this is just a website that one would try out to type in some words, names, or phrases to attempt to make a cool-looking image. You can't modify the image in any way (at least not on the website itself) other than changing what words/letters/numbers you use. As limited as it sounds, you can actually make some really cool things with it.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Power of Internet Images

Q1: Based solely on the photographs she chose to post,what is the image that Jenny is trying to project?...Adventurous? Curious? Brave? Pick 5 words.
Outgoing, daredevil, globetrotter, passionate, energetic.
Q2: Do you think she was successful? Elaborate.

If Jenny's goal is to travel and see the wonders of the world, from what I can see from the three pictures on the Instagram page, I would consider her very successful. However, the small amount of pictures on the Instagram page makes me think that maybe she can not travel as much as she wants to.

Q3: Do you think that Jenny is someone who would be a good role model? A good mother? A good wife? A good friend? Explain your answers.

In my opinion, Jenny probably would only be a good role model to those who want to travel the world, similar to her. It's hard to tell how far she succeeded in traveling, though. I would not consider Jenny to be a good mother, however, since parents need to spend a lot of their time tending to their kids in early years. A mother that is out traveling all the time probably would not fill the role required of her. However, Jenny may be a good wife, depending if the husband enjoys to adventure as much as she does. If her husband does not like to travel often, then she may be angry or disappointed. Of all of these roles, however, Jenny would be the best as a friend: Her passion for exploring would probably make her one of the most fun people to be around.

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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Mutant Me

Research Questions:

Q1: What is the name of the mutation strain that has affected you?
A: Conflagrigitis.

Q2: Describe the visible physical changes.
A: The skin on my face is now a vibrant red, but my arms and legs are a charred black. I developed thin curved spikes on my shoulders, but other than that my body was unchanged. My eyes, however, turned a glowing smoky red, and my ears grew long.

Q3: Are there any physical changes that aren't visible? If so, describe them.
A: Most if not all of my clothes are completely burnt black now, and washing them can't change that. So that's inconvenient.

Q4: What emotional changes have you noticed?
A: Before mutating I was really lazy and I couldn't be bothered to do much of anything. I was also really relaxed in the past, but now I'm hotheaded. Literally. 

I'm sorry about that one.

I also seem to hate water now, for whatever reason.

Q5: Have you gained any unusual skills or abilities?
A: I can set things on fire. More specifically, I can breathe fire, shoot fire out of my eyes, use my hands to create fire, shoot fire out of the spikes on my shoulders, envelop my body in fire, et cetera. It doesn't seem to hurt me anymore either since the day I mutated, as I can walk through fire too.

Q6: Have you noticed any change in food preferences?
A: I love spicy food now. Used to hate it, but now I can't eat a meal without something spicy in it. I hate drinking water now too, but other beverages are still fine.

Q7: Has the mutation changed your social life or relationships?
A: Surprisingly, not really. Even though my personality shifted since the mutation, most of my friends and my family just accepted it since so many other people like me mutated as well. My brother and I don't nearly get into as many fights as we did before the mutation. I'm not sure why that is.

Q8: Has the mutation changed your studies and ability/desire to learn?
A: This didn't change much either. Before, I thought most of the time I spent in school was boring and pointless. 

I still think that. 

I still work hard though, and I still try to get good grades.

Q9: How has your mutation changed your plans for the future?
A: Well, I'm still not entirely sure what I want to do in the future. Certainly not a firefighter, though. That wouldn't turn out too well. I was thinking of becoming a baker, as recently I've been cooking a lot more and, well, let's just say that nothing's going to be undercooked while I'm in the kitchen.