Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Mutant Me

Research Questions:

Q1: What is the name of the mutation strain that has affected you?
A: Conflagrigitis.

Q2: Describe the visible physical changes.
A: The skin on my face is now a vibrant red, but my arms and legs are a charred black. I developed thin curved spikes on my shoulders, but other than that my body was unchanged. My eyes, however, turned a glowing smoky red, and my ears grew long.

Q3: Are there any physical changes that aren't visible? If so, describe them.
A: Most if not all of my clothes are completely burnt black now, and washing them can't change that. So that's inconvenient.

Q4: What emotional changes have you noticed?
A: Before mutating I was really lazy and I couldn't be bothered to do much of anything. I was also really relaxed in the past, but now I'm hotheaded. Literally. 

I'm sorry about that one.

I also seem to hate water now, for whatever reason.

Q5: Have you gained any unusual skills or abilities?
A: I can set things on fire. More specifically, I can breathe fire, shoot fire out of my eyes, use my hands to create fire, shoot fire out of the spikes on my shoulders, envelop my body in fire, et cetera. It doesn't seem to hurt me anymore either since the day I mutated, as I can walk through fire too.

Q6: Have you noticed any change in food preferences?
A: I love spicy food now. Used to hate it, but now I can't eat a meal without something spicy in it. I hate drinking water now too, but other beverages are still fine.

Q7: Has the mutation changed your social life or relationships?
A: Surprisingly, not really. Even though my personality shifted since the mutation, most of my friends and my family just accepted it since so many other people like me mutated as well. My brother and I don't nearly get into as many fights as we did before the mutation. I'm not sure why that is.

Q8: Has the mutation changed your studies and ability/desire to learn?
A: This didn't change much either. Before, I thought most of the time I spent in school was boring and pointless. 

I still think that. 

I still work hard though, and I still try to get good grades.

Q9: How has your mutation changed your plans for the future?
A: Well, I'm still not entirely sure what I want to do in the future. Certainly not a firefighter, though. That wouldn't turn out too well. I was thinking of becoming a baker, as recently I've been cooking a lot more and, well, let's just say that nothing's going to be undercooked while I'm in the kitchen.

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